Experienced with system design and optimization, ensuring efficient project execution. Utilizes problem-solving skills to address complex engineering challenges. Strong understanding of technical analysis and team collaboration to achieve project goals efficiently.
o Development: Project Design Automation Engineer (PDAE) for multiple Intel design process projects. Established a Unified Design Environment for designers, which included developing an infrastructure setup for CAD TOOL configuration, as well as synchronized system for managed design libraries, and their virtual mirroring across the globe.
o Vendor Engagement: Worked with multiple vendor companies such as Synopsys/Cadence and Intel Tool development teams to review design specifications. Lead technical meetings to address the design requirement with designer. Deployed and updated design tool bundle into environment, published tool release notification, and provided tool usage document on web.
o Debug and Support: Debugged and resolved customer issues and consultations. Lead weekly meetings to address and review tool issues and enhancements with developers.
o Trainings: Provided tool trainings, usage documentations, BKMs and scripts for design teams across Intel.
o Accomplishments: The design projects successfully completed within target schedule and met the standard design specifications. With the setup of unified design environment and worldwide tool update, resulted in huge cost savings and increased designer productivity.
o Environment: Created and Maintained unique Unified Environment for the custom project. The environment was comprised of supporting multiple vendors, such as Synopsys and also supporting different technologies such as TSMC.
o Design: Generated ASIC layout for Tapeout, which was verified and was provided to Synopsys custom chip.
o Support: Supported diverse groups within Intel, locally and internationally, with the automated design environments
o Training & Licensing: Managed forecasting license lifespan, budgeting, scheduled project cycle and license funds monitoring. Created training manuals, set up training classes, and presented tools usage.
o Accomplishments: Completed a custom Synopsys chip within 12 months design cycle to meet the competitive market demand.
o Owner of Validation and Verification flow
o Support: Provided designers’ support on Layout verification flows with Hercules across multiple Microprocessor projects.
o Quality: Wrote test plans, reviewed specifications with developers and established industry standard quality metrics across the flows. Vendor Tool evaluation and competitive analysis with the internal tools
o Trainings: Provided training and BKM for the projects to use the tool more effective
Accomplishment: Improved design convergence to approximately 2x
o Validation: Design, validate and evaluate engineering design flow for Pentium project. Developed testplans for Layout Synthesis flows
o Support: Layout Design Tapeout support for each release cycle.
o Development: Developed a graphical interface for layout synthesis using PERL/Shell language.
o Accomplishments: Successfully, validated and delivered projects associated with Pentium processor.
o Designed Intel Unified Environment and implement the internal/external tool integration into the UE.
o Designed and led the implementation of on-line Help Request System (HRS) using the Remedy. Drove new support model and proliferated finished systems to the Microprocessor teams in Oregon, Santa Clara, Folsom, and Israel.
o Developed Web based GUI and scripted front-end interface to the HRS for increased ease of use for the centralized knowledge database, and faster report/statistics generation.
o Accomplishments: Unified Environment (UE) allowed intel projects to run setup in a unified way to eliminate any unexpected integration issues. Successfully created a Ticket Tracking System, that was used widely by the Microprocessor Group.
Technical Leadership
Interpersonal Skills
undefinedo Published DTTC paper on aAPR Analog Automated Place and Route Flow. Earned a best paper award
o Project Management - Intel “Lean Six Sigma” course and completed the “Green Belt”
o Department and Division Recognition Awards