As everyone,I also have some hobbies,such as:
Playing Basketball;
Playing Futboll;
Write a codes;
Eating desserts.
To be interested in sports:
From my childhood,I have always been interested in playing basketball and futball.Untill today,I have been practising in theese sports and trying to be better!
My mom was always telling me to learn cooking for my future.Actually when I was a child I used to not like cooking,even I hated it.However,Because of my dear mother,nowadays,I am very interested in cooking food,and I can cook a lot of tasty meals.
Writing codes:
When I was studying at the 6th grade,suddenly i started to get interested in writing codes.In my previous school,our teacher was trying to make many competitions about making games,And every time I enjoyed racing with my contestants.
Having desserts:
Well,for many of you,this will not seem like a hobby,but I want to write this because I feel my self very happy while I am eating some tasty desserts,especially with the chocolate.