China, 1.393 billion, 1979, bilateral trade agreement, 758.4 billion, 195.5 billion, 562.9 billion, broadcasting equipment, 59.3 billion, computers, 51.9 billion, office machine parts, 17.2 million, Apple iPhones, United States, 74 billion, 20%, Manufacturing dependency, China manufactures 95% of the product., Potential trade disruptions, Wars or political issues could halt trade., Language barriers, Need for effective translation., Cultural customs, Strict customs regarding dress and greetings., firm handshake, friendly smile, suits, long skirts, nice dress shirt, long dress, Business Insider,,Apple%27s%20total%20revenue%20came%20from%20China%20%28%2474%20billion%29, OEC,, USTR,,Exports%20were%20%24195.5%20billion%3B%20imports%20were%20%24562.9%20billion, LOC,,that%20year%20to%20over%20%24750%20billion%20in%202022