Professional Summary:
Highly accomplished professional with a proven track record of enhancing safety culture in prestigious projects across the region, including Hail & Ghasha, Borouge-4, Dubai Waste to Energy & Sharjah Waste to Energy Projects, Qatar Metro Station Infrastructure Development, Ras Abu Fontas - A2 Power and Desalination Plant, and EPIC for replacement of crude oil transfer lines. Skilled in development and implementation of Safety & Environmental Management systems, consistently demonstrating proficiency in executing widely divergent and simultaneously occurring processes. Strong organizational skills, out-of-the-box thinking, and innovative problem-solving abilities instrumental in achieving successful outcomes.
Task Risk Assessment/ WEHRA
Job Safety Analysis (JSA) /JHA
Environmental Impact Assessment/ ENVID
HSE Plan
Statistics/Analytical Studies
Inspections& Audits
Process Hazard Analysis (PHA)/ HAZOP/HAZID
Incident Investigation
Emergency Preparedness/Drills
HSE Training
Legal & Other Requirements
Root Cause Analysis
Training Matrix & Plan
HSE Objectives & Policy
Gap Analysis
HSE Reports Preparation
HSE Documents Review