A dedicated and versatile Northern Arizona University student and veterinary professional with a background in microbiology, ecology, zoology, and physiology. Experience in diverse laboratory settings and performing DNA extraction, staining techniques, field sampling, and surgical assistance. Passionate about animal wellness with the goal of becoming a veterinarian after graduating with a bachelor's in biology in 2025.
BIO 181-182 Lecture/Lab: Cell Life
An introductory course to the inner workings of a cell with a focus on organization, function, and structure. Utilized microscopy skills, cell structure identification, and understanding DNA sequencing.
BIO 205 Lecture/Lab: Microbiology
A course dedicated to the in-depth study of microbes - such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa. This course focused on honing microscopy skills, staining, and culturing methods.
BIO 226 Lecture/lab: Ecology
A course focusing on the interactions between organisms and their environments on different ecological levels. Data collection, field sampling, and scientific writing were implemented in this course.
BIO 323 Lecture/Lab: Vertebrate Zoology
An exploration of the evolutionary origins and natural history of vertebrates such as reptiles, fish, and mammals. The ability to identify vertebrate physiology and apply it to evolutionary changes.
BIO 344: Cellular and Molecular Biology
A deeper look into the molecular mechanisms that drive cell activity. Some key topics include genetics, protein synthesis, and other cellular processes.
BIO 366: Behavior of Animals
An exploration of natural selection, behavioral ecology, and adaptive behaviors.