- Assisting in the development of the compliance monitoring plans to ensure key risks are mitigated across the compliance group
- Producing reports regarding risks that have been identified through monitoring reviews and include remediation recommendations
- Ensuring significant risks are escalated to the relevant stakeholder
- Implementing the annual risk based compliance monitoring plan
Engaged in scientific researchs in telecommunication, electronic warfare and cryptography. Also was taking part in development of cryptographic methods of symmetric encryption. Possesses the skills of working with radio-technical measuring devices, development enviroments and modelling tools. Participated in various projects of SOCAR ("Confidential transmission of video and telemetry"), Azercosmos ("Small satellite conceptual design - Telemetry, Command and Ranging") and the Ministry of Defence Industry ("Development of software and equipment for remote monitoring").
· AIRBUS A318/A319/A320/A321. General Familiarization Course
· Boeing 787-8/9. Easa Part 66 Avionics (B2) Course
· EMBRAER ERJ-170/190. Theoretical Elements Course
· WIPO Academy. Training of trainers of the Azerbaijani Intellectual Property Academy