My educational and experienced
background reflects my potential and
ability to work in various fields. Now
I am working in oil and gas industry
as Drilling Fluids Specialist at MI
SWACO and learning the whole pro-
ceases of the onshore and offshore
wells. I have worked as Coiled Tubing
Engineer at SMAPE company in Baku
and Albania wells. According to my
richness of education and experience ,
I have got a lot knowledge and basic
imagination like junior professional
engineer who understands all the
processes of Petroleum production
and exploration.
The trip including everything from fluvial to shallow
marine deposits and shelf mudstones. Defining the
types of environment and interpret lithology in
Interpret core and sample types and depths at BGS
base where contains records of over 15 000 onshore
This talk outlined recent developments in the geologi-
cal understanding of these rocks and highlight chal-
lenges for the future and explained "Mudstones as
shale-gas and shale-oil reservoirs: what, where, how
My educational and experienced and why?"